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Duck Creek Clean-Up

Sunday, April 11th, 7:45 – 9:30 a.m.

Have you noticed the trash gathering in and around the creek that runs through Oakridge? It’s unsightly and unsanitary. It’s also hard to tackle, so we need lots of volunteers to help with this job.

The ONA has coordinated with Brent Hurt and Steve Johnson (the owners of Duck Creek Golf Club) to set aside time for volunteers to gather and clean up Duck Creek on Sunday, April 11th, from 7:45 – 9:30 a.m. If you are willing and able to help, come meet up at the Diamond Oaks bridge that crosses the creek (near the club house) on Sunday morning. Dress comfortably and bring gloves. Trash bags will be provided.

Note: If you have a kayak, or have access to a kayak, please let us know by contacting Melanie Busby at

Let’s clean up the creek!