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Crime Watch Articles Archive: COVID-19

Crime Safety Tips in the Era of COVID-19

We would like to share some reminders for being a Good Neighbor along with Crime Prevention Tips as our neighborhood prepares for the reality of COVID-19. Our new reality is changing by the minute but – as we write this – now includes:

• Schools and Rec Centers are closed indefinitely. We may see a rise in mischief as unsupervised students look for something to do.

• More people working from home. We may see new habits, such as cars parked on the street without leaving.

• Our most vulnerable neighbors – the elderly, sick and those suddenly with no income – may be worried about basics like food.

• More online shopping to avoid in-person contact at a store. This means more delivery vehicles and packages being delivered.

• “Shelter in Place” and social distancing means out-of-town family will not be able to travel to visit and neighbors won’t be making in-person visits. This can leave people feeling isolated and scared.

The most effective means of reducing crime in the neighborhood is still an organization of neighbors helping one another. It’s a fact: concerned neighbors reduce crime. Putting into practice the time-honored “good neighbor” policy is still the single most important factor especially in these difficult times. Here are a few other good tips and reminders:

• Lock your cars and remove valuables. Thieves are looking for easy targets and stealing guns, electronics, money, medicine, and jewelry from unlocked cars.

• Track your deliveries online and watch for packages on your doorstep,

• Scammers are already at work! Beware of scam phone calls, emails, and websites making claims that prey on COVID-19 fears. Don’t fall for it!

• Continue watching out for each other. Be sure you have your neighbor’s phone number to call and check on them (rather than dropping by in person).

As always, if you see suspicious activity or something or somebody that seems out of place, CALL 911 or the non-emergency number at 972-485-4840.

Feel free to reach out to Officer Barnes at or us at with any questions or concerns.