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Crime Watch Articles Archive: Conversation with the Chief


Chief Jeff Bryan                                                                                                                                                              

Conversation with the Chief – July 31, 2020

We were fortunate to attend a Zoom call with Garland Chief of Police Jeff Bryan where he tackled several difficult questions from the audience. We appreciated his candor and willingness to hear from the community.

Here are a few of the topics that were addressed:

  • Peaceful protests: Chief and officers marched in solidarity and sadness with protesters in Garland in response to the George Floyd killing. 
  • Militarization of the police: The Garland police believe our duty is to serve and protect our community – which is not the same mission as the military.
  • De-escalation: Officers in GPD have extensive training and role-play simulated events. Many officers are transfers from other police force, so they are experienced. GPD has several proactive programs to promote positive community relations.
  • Riot gear: Garland has not had riot, looting, or other situations of excessive force like some other cities. The riot gear and SWAT vehicle is designed to protect police and be defensive only. 
  • Use of force: GPD abandoned choke holds years ago and most officers never fire a weapon. For those resisting arrest, police have tazers and pepper spray (which cause the least amount of harm). Hardly ever is there a reason to use a club or gun.  
  • Community programs: Citizens Police Academy is a great program which provides great insight into all aspects of policing. A 1-day youth program is being developed. Classes will resume when it is safe. School Resource Officers, Neighborhood Police Officers and the boxing gym are proactive ways that the Garland Police build relationships with the community.
  • “Defunding” police: The Chief agrees that resources are needed to address homeless and mental health needs in the community. The infrastructure is not in place to do so. For now, GPD responds and partners with organizations who can help.
  • Coronavirus: The GPD is following Dallas County and CDC guidelines to keep officers and the public safe by wearing masks and practicing social distancing where possible.