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2021 Holiday Donation for Officer Barnes

Shortly before Christmas, we presented Officer Barnes with e-cards from Oakridge residents and a check for $8,000 reflecting donations from various residents of Oakridge wanting to help Officer Barnes with medical expenses. Below is a Thank You letter from Officer Barnes to us, his Oakridge Family.

Dear Oakridge Family,

When the cancer word is heard in your own diagnosis, the first response is of fear and dread. However, through the prayers and support my wife Angie and I have received from Oakridge during this challenging time; I am certain I’ll come through this trying time stronger than ever because I have such amazing friends who have filled my days with faith, hope, thanksgiving, and most important your prayers.

I’m so overwhelmed with emotions from the beautiful cards and donations that I’ve received from the Oakridge Neighborhood, that I’m unable to express my deepest gratitude.

Seeing the generous support so many have given to my family during this illness, I would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you for the kindness and assistance you’ve provided us. The emotional Get-Well Cards, the visitations, the prayers, and encouraging words, etc., shows me that I have an extended family that puts love into action!

I can’t explain my gratitude like I feel it but from the bottom of my heart, “Thank you, thank you!”

To Joan and Dan Nichols, my wife and I can’t say enough of the love you’ve shown us! I want to thank you personally for spearheading the fundraiser and the Get-Well cards.

Again, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You All!!!!! I can’t wait to get back to patrolling the Oakridge Neighborhood!!!

Sincerely grateful,
NPO Tommy Barnes