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Oakridge Plant Swap, May 2021

Date and Time: Sunday, May 23, 2021, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Location: the north end of the Duck Creek Golf Club parking lot (near the stop sign)

Ask yourself...

  • Do you have an abundance of plants that could use a little thinning out? 
  • Would you like to share cuttings of your favorite plants?
  • Are you looking to replace plants that died in the hard freeze? 
  • Would you like some cuttings of your neighbor’s plants?
  • Are you interested in chatting with experienced gardeners and other plant lovers?

Then join us for a Sharing of Plants!

Spend some time with your neighbors, learn from other green thumbs, and expand your plant collection without spending a penny! Who doesn’t want that?

How does it work?

Bring cuttings, seed packets, or bring whole plants! Be sure that your plants or cuttings are pest-free. Take the plants out of pots if you are keeping the pot. 

Bring a bag to take home cuttings or bring your own pots to put new plants in.

Label your plant or cutting with its NAME and how to care for it. Make your own labels or use templates. Here is one example of a template: