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Crime Watch Articles Archive: Video Crime Watch

Video Crime Watch Logo

Video Crime Watch Deters Crime

We are looking for Oakridge residents with any type of surveillance system to sign up for a new Video Watch Program to assist the City of Garland Police Department in deterring and solving crimes quickly in our community.  

Participation in this program is voluntary and can be terminated at any time. If the police believe footage from your camera may be helpful, they will contact you using the information you provide.  

If we have enough people add their cameras to the program, we will receive signs to hang beneath our Crime Watch signs throughout the neighborhood indicating we are a Video Crime Watch neighborhood. This visible statement would be a deterrent to criminals looking to target our neighborhood.   

We have maintained a private database of approximately 40 Crime Watch volunteers who privately shared that they have security cameras. By moving to this Video Crime Watch platform, we can help the Garland Police Department more quickly identify and recover critical video footage related to criminal investigations.   

We would love to have Oakridge lead the City in Video Crime Watch sign-ups – we are currently at 4 participants. All surveillance cameras help, no matter how small, blurry or insignificant you think they may be.

Click here to sign up or you can contact the program coordinator, Captain McCully at or 972-485-4844 for more information.